Monday, April 2, 2018

Valentine's Day

Days before Valentine's Day in 1994, my mom died. Ever the bargain-hunter, the sewer, recycler, composter, old barn forager, our church's White Elephant Table organizer and buyer, she enjoyed the thrill of a good bargain, lived on little and survived on less.
I will always remember being in the florist with my siblings the day before V-Day picking out the church and coffin flowers. The prices were astronomical and amidst the sorrow of our task, we couldn't stop laughing at the irony of it all - she had never bought an expensive thing in her life! Despite us hearing her scolding and tut-tutting, we bought as many roses as we could, opting instead for her oft-repeated later-life motto: "To Hell With It!"
best Love Day wishes everyone, hope you all felt warmth from someone in your life today, and if not, follow my mom's motto. She was a hoot!

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