Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Falcons and Hawks, 2015

Gosh, I miss this place and these people, young and old alike! My kids' high school, where so many of us volunteered and worked over the last 15 years, making a difference. So much involved to change it from being a school next-to-last in the Provincial rankings, a school ethos that had tanked, to being in the top 100 last year (or higher?) "this school is not about any one person, but all of us", with strong, strong student, staff and family engagement. What a journey it's been under this guy's leadership, something I'll be forever proud of. He moves on this week to different things, and the foundation we all created is strong. Best wishes Terry, end of a frikken great era.

Go Falcons and Hawks! Have a great Christmas break!

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