Friday, September 7, 2012

Blowin' in the Wind

What to eat?  Cupboards get stale, fridge becomes dull.  Who needs a ride?  To here, to there.  To shop, to practise, to games, to friends.  Chatter, ribbing in the back seat, great new tunes playing.  Wind in our hairs, summer in the air. Piano silent, late night movie hum, clack clack clack of tips on keyboards. quietly grows - what just happened? 22 years of ...  It's so beautiful, watching them launch, as if from above.  The frozen in time thoughts wave through your mind, joy, sadness.  Not boo hoo, oh whoa is me.  Not, oh lordy, I can't go on.  More, the let go -  it is awesome to be a parent and watch grow what you've cared to create, to see where they start.  With someone who loves you.  

Our insides turnaround.  Our heads rise like meerkats.  Youth, the presence of youth around us.  With its drama, its ethos, its soul, its hum, the lessons to share, the wisdom to discuss, the world to open up.  What its given us.     

A little spooky!

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Days before Valentine's Day in 1994, my mom died. Ever the bargain-hunter, the sewer, recycler, composter, old barn forager, our church's White Elephant Table organizer and buyer, she enjoyed the thrill of a good bargain, lived on little and survived on less.

I will always remember being in the florist with my siblings the day before V-Day picking out the church and coffin flowers. The prices... were astronomical and amidst the sorrow of our task, we couldn't stop laughing at the irony of it all - she had never bought an expensive thing in her life! Despite us hearing her scolding and tut-tutting, we bought as many roses as we could, opting instead for her oft-repeated later-life motto: "To Hell With It!"

best Love Day wishes everyone, hope you all felt warmth from someone in your life today, and if not, follow my mom's motto. She was a hoot!